
Is the creature list inaccurate or is the map outdated? OneGyT 20:44, 16 February 2008 (UTC)

The list was inaccurate, thanks. Fire Elementals do not exist in the mines. I added the creatures that you can find above ground as well. The map is slightly outdated, but its nothing important since the only things added, except the grothmok tunnels - which doesn't matter since their location is not on a picture - are narrow unwalkable paths and wooden columns.
Art Featherpitch 02:35, 17 February 2008 (UTC)

Map images[]

I just added map images, it always confused me how the dwarf mines were exactly connected to each other. Surprisingly the only connection between the six tunnels is at the Mine Hub. What do you guys think of the colour overlay on maps? Is it something which I could do again, or is it too ugly? -- Bennie (talk ~ fellows) 16:42, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

The polygons look irregular and I don't like the walkable floor being colorized. What I think would be better is only the bordering of a mine being colorized, and a more curved shape with a specific length from the mine walls. It might take too long to do though... I will try something later to this effect.

Another mine connection is with the water, although you can't walk from one mine to another, there's water (no mine wall) separating some of the mines. -- Sixorish 17:00, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

You are right, I chose for the polygon tool because it's very quick, only a few clicks needed. Colorizing the border could be an option, I'm not sure how it would look though.

I noticed the lake 'connecting' different mine parts, but unless it's swimable I don't think it's a real connection worth mentioning (there are numerous connections which are blocked by rocks, would they be worth mentioning as well?). -- Bennie (talk ~ fellows) 17:35, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

They would be connected if you considered things from a real life perspective. The rocks cannot be walked through though, I suppose any natural solid blocking the path between two mines would not be considered connected. -- Sixorish 17:57, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

Here's an example, it's very amateurish but exemplifies the curved borders:


The colors were picked to match the current. It's just an idea, does it add on anything to the current? (note that I added a pitch of black where the water is, and lines to indicate it would mark a 'connection'... -- Sixorish 06:52, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

It looks a lot better than the what I made. Was it very time consuming to make? How exactly did you do it? Because that's something I would consider as well. Also, I wouldn't emphasize the 'connection through water' but just leave it blue, just as I left the mine hub uncolored. People would see for themselves it is a connection. -- Bennie (talk ~ fellows) 12:34, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Gimp's selection tools were used to generate the curves, select all cave edges and grow selection by a few px. There's a problem with overlapping regions though, I drew those manually. I won't write an exact tutorial, because I made some huge mistakes in the image, I'm sure you can find a way to achieve what you want from there. -- Sixorish 09:24, February 15, 2012 (UTC)
