
Does this creature exitst anyway??
-- Djomla Ω talk to me Ω contributions05:13, 23 June 2007 (PDT)

The seal is not a creature. Is, somehow, like an animated object. You can look seals like you look trees and stones. You cannot walk over then and I think it can be considered and "alive" object. It have no life bar etc. And yes, they do exist (on test server for now). They're used mainly for decoration, but also they're involved on a sub-mission of one of those new quests, that I won't spoil for now

-- † Pudd Knight †  Talk  Contribs  -- 12:08, 23 June 2007 (PDT)

Yes, I know they exists, but I just wanted to know whether it's a creature or not. It is an object, as you explain. Thnx
-- Djomla Ω talk to me Ω contributions 15:28, 24 June 2007 (PDT)~
