
For the mount, see Magic Carpet (Mount).
Magic Carpets are the cheaper alternative to boats but there are not many of them. Only players with a Premium Account can use magic carpets. Ask the manager for possible destinations.

Because magic carpets fly from one place to the other you can find them on top of buildings and hills.

They can be found in the following places:

In addition, a magic carpet can also be found on top of The Witches' Cliff (here), but this one can only be reached during a quest and cannot be used for regular travel.
Furthermore, a carpet of sorts is located northwest of Roshamuul Depot (here), but it is unrelated to the magic carpet system, as you cannot travel to there with any carpet NPC. There is no carpet pilot nearby, and stepping on it simply teleports you to the Temple of Thais.

Since the 2005 summer update, magic carpets are Protection Zones.

Prices table[]

Players who have completed mission 6 of the Postman Missions Quest will pay 10 gp less than the advertised price for each passage.

↓ From To → Darashia Edron Farmine Femor Hills Svargrond Kazordoon Issavi
Darashia 40 60 60 60 80 100
Edron 40 60 60 60 70 100
Farmine 60 60 60 60 70 100
Femor Hills 60 60 60 60 70 100
Svargrond 60 60 60 60 70 100
Kazordoon 40 40 60 60 60 100
Issavi 40 60 60 60 60 70

Warning: If you use other coins than Gold Coins to travel (e.g. if you are only carrying a Crystal Coin), be sure to have enough space and capacity for the change that the manager will give you - otherwise you'll be moved to your destination, but your change will be left on the carpet you traveled from.

Chemar of Darashia claims to sell a flying carpet for 500k gp.

Player: Buy Flying Carpet
Chemar: Do you want to buy a flying carpet for 5000 platinum coins?
Player: Yes
Chemar: Oh, I am sorry, but you have no pilot licence.

You can also say "Hills" instead of Femor Hills, "Darama" instead of Darashia, "Kazor" instead of Kazordoon and Zao instead of Farmine to travel to the same place but with words that are faster to type.

See also[]
