

Deep under the Sea, a Fire Feathered Serpent sleeps, but its Guardian needs help protecting their realm.


Seacrest Grounds beneath Oramond.

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Go to Mr Brandon north-west of Rathleton to start this quest. He can be found here. To get there you must leave Rathleton to the west. You will encounter Devourers, Blood Beasts, Rot Elementals and Glooth Blobs. You may also encounter Quara Scouts.

Talk to Mr Brandon and ask to assist him and accept the mission with yes. Your mission is to find Brandon's Wedding Ring in the Seacrest Grounds. Enter the Magic Forcefield south of Mr Brandon and swim to the north side of the water. Enter the Maelstrom to appear in the Seacrest Grounds.

Note: Entering the Seacrest Grounds does not require a Helmet of the Deep or other diving helmet. However, it is suggested that you bring a diving helmet anyway. Walking underwater without a diving helmet will incur the normal drowning damage.
Note: to leave from the start, go up the ramp to the east and enter the southern Magic Forcefield. This will bring you back to Mr Brandon.
Note: even though Mr Brandon says he enables you to enter, you do not need to speak to him to enter the Seacrest Grounds. You do need to talk to him to start the quest, however.

Player: hi
Mr Brandon: Be careful. It seems SOMETHING is beginning to wake up down there. The ground rumbles, and the seacrest serpents are outraged.
Player: assist
Mr Brandon: I have taken a few... things from down there, and now they are angry at me and haunt me. ...
Mr Brandon: I dare not go back down there, but I lost my wedding ring! It means the world to me. ...
Mr Brandon: I will grant you access to places deep under the sea, if you bring back my wedding ring - would you go looking for it at the bottom of the sea?
Player: yes
Mr Brandon: Thank you. I ask much, I know. You will meet horrible creatures that never saw the light of day, and they will come at you. But I hope you will make it back alive. ...
Mr Brandon: Swim into the maelstrom behind me, and you will reach the bottom of the ocean.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your {mission}.
Player: assist
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The loyal men who went down with me - their bones still lie at the bottom of the sea, gnawed clean by blood crabs and sharks, mourned for by their tormented spirits! ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Find their bones and offer them on the altars you find near them. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: When the Dark {Powers} have released the tormented spirits of my men, then I will give you the cursed gold so you may offer it to the hoard, and get the wedding ring. {Will} you do this?
Player: yes
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Good. Find the skulls of my 5 loyal seamen and lay them to rest on the altars of the Dark Powers. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: There are many altars near the smoking rift of volcanoes. Use a skull on a stone snake shrine, or lay it on a nacre altar to set its soul free. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Return to me when you have lain all 5 skulls to rest.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Sub-Mission 1: Souls Lost At Sea[]

Location of Piles of Bones[]


Map Marker Star Start.
Map Marker Tick Pile of Bones (Quest) (5x)
Map Marker Flag Shortcut back to the start.

Ask the Guardian of the Deep Seas how you can assist him and in exchange obtain the wedding ring.

The Guardian wants you to release the tormented spirits of his crew. To do so, you'll need to collect his crew members skulls and lay their souls to rest by using the skulls on unbroken Nacre Altars. Walk up the stairs to the right and take the southern stairs down again. In this area you will find Abyssal Calamary, Sharks, Deepsea Blood Crabs and Quaras. Throughout the southern area you will find 5 Piles of Bones. Use these piles to obtain Drowned Seaman's Skulls. See the map for precise locations of these piles.

Use all 5 of these skulls on any of the (unbroken) Nacre Altars which you will find in many places further to the south. You can obtain more than one skull at one point in time and you may even use all 5 on the same Nacre Altar.

The skull crumbles into fine sand and is gone. This soul has been laid to rest.

When you've released the 5 tormented spirits, make your way back to the Guardian of the Deep Seas. If you're far to the south you can find a Magic Forcefield on a small hill, here.

The Guardian of the Deep Seas will now give you the Cursed Gold as promised. With this, go to the far south and find the Hoard of Cursed Gold, here. Use the Cursed Gold on the Hoard of Cursed Gold to be transported behind the treasure. Open the Treasure Chest to obtain Brandon's Wedding Ring. Step in the teleporter to appear back at the four teleporters. Take the southern teleporter to return to Mr Brandon and give him his wedding ring. He will take the ring and grant you access to the Western Seacrest Grounds (western portal). In this portal you will find Sea Serpents and Seacrest Serpents.

NOTE: if the Fire-Feathered Serpent World Change is active, the Guardian of the Deep Seas will not give you the Cursed Gold necessary for quest progression. You can continue the quest either after the Server Save or after The Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent mission is completed.

Sub-Mission 2: Drowned Altars[]

Ask Mr Brandon for a new mission. He will ask you to find three nacre altar slabs which he stole while he was alive. Dive back down the Maelstrom again and ask the Guardian of the Deep Seas about this mission. He tells you to search for the first slab before he will help you find the other two.

NOTE:Nacre means "mother-of-pearl", the material from the outer layer of a pearl.

First Slab[]

Enter the western Magic Forcefield. In this part you will face Deepsea Blood Crabs, Abyssal Calamary, Sea Serpents and Seacrest Serpents. You are looking for a shipwreck with a chest and barrels, here. Route:

  • From the start, walk a few steps north and levitate down facing east, here
  • Walk north and go down some stairs here
  • Walk east and go through a Hot Geyser here
  • Walk north and go down some stairs here
  • Walk north and go up the stairs here
  • Walk north-east and go down the stairs here

Use the Chest (Quest) and you will get a Nacre Slab. Go back to Guardian of the Deep Seas with the slab and report your mission.

Second Slab[]

He will take the slab and hint you to the next one, located in the Secret Shrine, here. Route:

  • Take the western teleporter again and levitate down a little to the north, like for the first slab
  • Walk south-east and go down the stairs here
  • Walk east, south and west through a bigger room and go up the stairs here
  • Walk west and go down the Water Channel here
  • Walk north-west and go through a teleporter here

You are in a big maelstrom, take different Maelstroms until you reach the middle of the maelstrom. The path is different for each player, so try different routes until you reach the middle. When you arrive at the middle, use the Treasure Chest (Blue) to obtain the Nacre Slab (Yellow). Now go back to the Guardian of the Deep Seas and say mission.

Third Slab[]

Go up and talk to Mr Brandon. Say mission and Yeo. Walk back to Rathleton and find Yeo here. Talk to him and say fishing, interesting, use. He wants a Seacrest Pearl. Hopefully you already looted one in a previous mission or you brought one. When you have obtained one talk to Yeo again and say nacre slab, yes. Bring your Nacre Slab (Red) back to the Guardian of the Deep Seas.

Say mission and he will give you back your first two slabs. Take your three slabs down one floor and use them on the Broken Nacre Altars (here), which will "repair" them for a minute. Go back to the guardian and say mission, to finish this mission.

Sub-Mission 3: The Sunken City[]

Say quest to the Guardian of the Deep Seas. First you will need to get your Sea Ear. Go to Mr Brandon and say mission. Then swim into the Maelstrom which normally brings you down, now it will bring you to another area with a lot of trash, Maelstroms and Large Seashells. Most contain Some Broken Shells, a Fishbone and two Fish, nothing or spawn a Crab. One contains a Sea Ear. Swim into the northwest Maelstrom to get out of the cave and return to Guardian of the Deep Seas saying mission. He will send you to the Sunken City.

Enter the eastern Magic Forcefield on the upper floor and look Strange Statues around this area.

Use the Sea Ear on the statues to receive part of the message you need. If the statute it says return later, go to next statue and return in a few minutes. The order of statues is not important. You need to run a bit back and forth until you have the full song lyrics:

<...Where time's body is...>
<...a wandering shadow...>
<...trapped in stone, ...>
<...the tail of fire ends ...>
<... with my slumber beneath the sea.>

Check your quest log to make sure you have all the messages. Go back to the guardian and say mission. He will send you to the Eternity Altar, the most southern altar, here. Go there and use your Sea Ear with an Ancient Sundial. You will receive a Time Compass. Take it (quickly) to the guardian, there is a teleporter very close to the altar, here. Talk to the guardian and say compass.

You are done, now you have access to all three areas of the Seacrest Grounds:

  • Lost Mountains (western teleport)
  • Sunken City (eastern teleport)
  • Birthing Grounds (northern teleport)

Note: After finishing this mission, the quest will appear as Completed in your Quest Log. Despite that, you can still do one more mission provided that the The Fire-Feathered Serpent World Change is active.

The Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent[]

When 3000 Seacrest Serpents have been killed across the server, a world change initiates (this happens the instant 3000 Seacrest Serpents have been killed). Renegade Quaras have stolen or destroyed sacred orbs that hold the hunger of the Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent. The orb of Earth Everpresent is the only orb that has survived the Quaras' attacks. During this world change, Sea Serpents and Seacrest Serpents within the Seacrest Grounds have been replaced by Renegade Quaras.

The four orbs are:

The Orb of Darkness[]

From the Guardian of the Deep Seas, levitate down and walk north-east. Enter the portal and walk south. Use a Mind Stone on the Stone Snake Shrine to obtain The Orb of Darkness Eternal The Orb of Darkness Eternal.

From the dark side of the sun that blackens the worlds, the dark orb has come to you.
You see the orb of Darkness Eternal.
It weighs 3.50 oz.
Lights and sounds seem to shift inside of it each time you look away.

You will now receive the achievement Mind the Step!.

The Orb of Life[]

From the Guardian of the Deep Seas, go to the Altar of Life, located far to the south (here). Note that the world change has affected the environment a lot and you may have to go around the volcano structures to find it. When you find it, use a Seacrest Pearl on the altar to obtain The Orb of Life Everchanging The Orb of Life Everchanging.

You see the orb of Life Everchanging.
It weighs 3.50 oz.
Lights and sounds seem to shift inside of it each time you look away.

The Orb of Light[]

The Guardian of the Deep Seas informs you that The Orb of Light Undying has been shattered and must be restored. To restore the Orb, you will need a Bottle of Gloo, which can be obtained during Oramond Quest - The Gloud Ship, by trading with Yeo who wants 10 Shrimp for it. The Bottle of Gloo is not consumed in the process, so you can still use it for other quests. Recall from the Drowned Altars mission that Yeo is south-east of Rathleton, by the harbor.

With the Bottle of Gloo, go into the Everhungry Altar (enter the teleport here) and use the Ashes adjacent to the energy. You will obtain the The Orb of Light Undying Broken Orb of Light Undying. Use the Bottle of Gloo Bottle of Gloo on the broken orb to repair it. The bottle is not consumed in the process. Now use The Orb of Darkness Eternal The Orb of Darkness Eternal on the Maelstrom of Darkness Maelstrom of Darkness (north), then use The Orb of Life Everchanging The Orb of Life Everchanging on the Rest of Life Energy Rest of Life Energy (east), and finally The Orb of Light Undying The Orb of Light Undying on the Spark of Light Spark of Light (south). Return to the Guardian of the Deep Seas and report about your mission. You will receive a Blue Crystal Shard, a Green Crystal Shard, a Violet Crystal Shard, a Ring of Healing, and the achievement Snake Charmer.

If you ask the Guardian of the Deep Seas again for mission he will say that you have done what you could and now only the blood of the Renegade Quara will beseech the Fire Feathered Serpent, meaning you need to kill 1000 Renegade Quara (across the server) to make Seacrest Serpents spawn again.


Sub-Mission 1: Souls Lost At Sea[]

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Who goes there? What do you disturb the quiet of the abyss for?
Player: wedding ring
Guardian of the Deep Seas: No use! It is where the cursed hoard of gold lies, far from here, in the south. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: To reach the chest that holds the ring, you have sacrifice some of the stolen cursed gold to the hoard. But I will not entrust it to you without you proving your worth to me - you must do something for me first.
Player: something
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The loyal men who went down with me - their bones still lie at the bottom of the sea, gnawed clean by blood crabs and sharks, mourned for by their tormented spirits! ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Find their bones and offer them on the altars you find near them. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: When the Dark Powers have released the tormented spirits of my men, then I will give you the cursed gold so you may offer it to the hoard, and get the wedding ring. Will you do this?
Player: Will
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Good. Find the skulls of my 5 loyal seamen and lay them to rest on the altars of the Dark Powers. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: There are many altars near the smoking rift of volcanoes. Use a skull on a stone snake shrine, or lay it on a nacre altar to set its soul free. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Return to me when you have lain all 5 skulls to rest.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

  • second talk

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Have you laid all five seamen to rest on the altars?
Player: yes
Guardian of the Deep Seas: You did indeed! I had not thought it possible. Well then. Brandon may not be worthy of redemption, but it is noble of you to undertake it for him. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Take this cursed gold. Use it on the hoard of cursed gold you find in the south, far from here. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Behind the hoard stands the treasure chest that holds Brandon's wedding ring.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Mr Brandon: Hello again. You want to go down? Go ahead. I certainly wouldn't <shudders>
Player: wedding ring
Mr Brandon: My ring! It is indeed my ring! Thank you so much! At least something of my old life is now with me. About your reward - ...
Mr Brandon: I can influence sea currents and vortices a little bit. Enough to send you to interesting places - you can use the vortex anytime to reach the southwestern Seacrest ground. ...
Mr Brandon: Also - ahem. If you could spare the time... maybe you could help me with something else? Just tell me when you're interested in another mission.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Sub-Mission 2: Drowned Altars[]

Player: mission
Mr Brandon: Gosh, thanks a ton, mate! I know I have not been the most considerate of men in my lifetime, but I am not unredeemable... I hope. ...
Mr Brandon: Ahem. Er. I, uh, well, the cursed gold is not all I stole and why I am cursed. ...
Mr Brandon: And maybe, if I help you find the three nacre altar slabs, maybe I will be allowed to die after I did my penance. ...
Mr Brandon: Now, those slabs. I, er, was in a hurry and wanted to store them somewhere safe. I hid one in a barrel in a sunken ship, but I lost the other two. ...
Mr Brandon: Sorry, but that's all I remember - besides the tentacled thing with a hundred eyes coming after me. <shudders> ...
Mr Brandon: Maybe the Guardian knows more. Anyway, thanks for helping me. I depend on you, friend.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Who goes there? What do you disturb the quiet of the abyss for?
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: So Brandon sent you down again to do something for him? Typical. He always liked to let others do the dirty work. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Well, before I tell you ANYTHING about where the sacred slabs might be, you will have to prove your good will. Return to me when you have found the first nacre slab to prove you are in earnest.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your {mission}.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: So you really want to find the slabs it seems. I'll keep this one for now. Go look for the second one in the Secret Shrine in the southwestern Seacrest grounds. It was hidden there for safety. You may enter there now for this quest.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: So you found it. Well done. I'll keep it here for now. Now go find the third missing slab! Brandon might know where the currents have taken it. Go see him!

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Mr Brandon: Be careful. It seems SOMETHING is beginning to wake up down there. The ground rumbles, and the seacrest serpents are outraged.
Player: mission
Mr Brandon: Ah! The third was washed ashore by the currents? Probably fished up by someone? Let me think. The only one I know of who casts his nets for clams here on the shore is old Yeo.
Player: Yeo
Mr Brandon: We used to be friends before I... changed. He's a hardened fisher man, and particularly loves clams and sea shells and nacre. ...
Mr Brandon: Lives at Rathleton harbour - always mending nets or caulking boats or some such.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Yeo: Hrm?
Player: job
Yeo: Looks like fishing, doesn' it? Mending nets, boats, fishing for clams... yup, sounds like a fisherman's job to me.
Player: fishing
Yeo: I find the most interesting stuff, you know. Broken statues. Stones. Clams. Nacre. Bones. Fish. I sell the fish and clams and keep the rest.
Player: interesting
Yeo: Sure. This nacre slab here's my latest found. I went to where the cliffs are really rough and there are some mean currents, and cast my net. ...
Yeo: The nacre slab looks real nice - but it's cracked and doesn't seem to be of any use. I just like to look at it. Been even dreaming about it, and some strange maned snakelike beasts.
Player: use
Yeo: You want this broken nacre slab? Oh, but I want something for it in exchange, friend! You bring me a big shiny mother-of-pearl orb like I saw in my dream with that seacrest thing, and it's a deal.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Yeo: Hrm?
Player: nacre slab
Yeo: You brought me that mother-of-pearl orb I asked you about?
Player: yes
Yeo: Yes, that's it! Look at it! Isn't it a beauty? Thanks, friend. And here you go - the nacre slab.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: You found it! Ah, wonderful. It has suffered somewhat, but I believe if it's back in its proper place, the altar slabs will become as good as new. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Go down the stairs, to the altar room right underneath. Lay each of the three nacre slabs on an altar - blue on the left, yellow in the centre, red to the right. Then come back to receive your reward.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Well done. The Dark Powers will be beseeched now, for a while at least. You can tell Brandon that. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: And as for you, you may enter the Sunken City as a reward. There is another {quest} that goes with it, if you feel up to it.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Sub-Mission 3: The Sunken City[]

Player: quest
Guardian of the Deep Seas: I want you to retrieve the protective charm of the sunken city. Tell me, did Brandon mention what else he took when he robbed the nacre altar slabs? He didn't? I thought so. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Then you will need to ask him first what he did with the Sea Ear. It is the protective seal of the charm that defends the Sunken City. Brandon broke that charm by stealing the Sea Ear. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: As a consequence, the statues' protective song was broken and the time compass disappeared and must be found again. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Go to Brandon and ask him where he hid the Sea Ear! Make him give it to you, and then, go to the Sunken City and listen to the statues with it so we may find the compass' secret hiding place.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Mr Brandon: Be careful. It seems SOMETHING is beginning to wake up down there. The ground rumbles, and the seacrest serpents are outraged.
Player: mission
Mr Brandon: You're on a mission from the Guardian? What about? Oh. Er. The what? A Sea SPEAR? Never heard of it. The Seer? Who? Oh, the SEA EAR. Sorry. ...
Mr Brandon: Yes, er. About that Sea Ear. It's really a cute little thing. Can't really remember where I put it. ...
Mr Brandon: Well, that weapon you're aiming at me is not really helping me remember, but... I see your point! ...
Mr Brandon: Alright, I think I remember. When running away from the .... THINGS, a maelstrom washed me into this cave. Lots of shipwrecks and seashells. So I stuffed the Sea Ear into one of these seashells and ran for it. ...
Mr Brandon: I think I can change the maelstrom here so that it'll bring you there. Just swim into the maelstrom behind me.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Mr Brandon: Be careful. It seems SOMETHING is beginning to wake up down there. The ground rumbles, and the seacrest serpents are outraged.
Player: mission
Mr Brandon: Yes, that's the Sea Ear. Isn't it pretty? See the nacre glimmer and shimmer! The soft hues! The... ...
Mr Brandon: Ahem. I mean, I took good care of it, didn't I? You can tell the Guardian I only put in a safe place.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Now that you have acquired the Sea Ear, we can begin. Go to the Sunken City and use the Sea Ear with the statues. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: They will tell you where to find the time compass. When you have found the time compass, bring it to me.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Ah, that is easy. The compass is hidden beneath the Eternity Altar, the most southern altar, at the end of the volcano ridge. Go and fetch it!

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent is dreaming fitfully. Tread lightly, whatever may be your mission.
Player: compass
Guardian of the Deep Seas: That's it! It truly is! The compass has returned to the Guardian! Now, the souls of the Sunken City are safe again! ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Thank you. You have earned the right to enter the last Seacrest ground, the birthing grounds of the seacrests. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Be careful though. The searcrests are holy beasts, and killing too many will incite the wrath of the Fire-Feathered Serpent.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest

The Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent[]

Player: hi
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Fire-Feathered Serpent has awoken! It must be {beseeched}!
Player: beseeched
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Listen. The Everhungry Altar has been defiled by the vile Quara. These things you must do to restore the Altar. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The stolen Orb of Darkness Eternal must be retrieved. The Orb of Light Undying was shattered, it must be made whole. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: The Orb of Life Everchanging was destroyed, you must find a new one. Then, when the orbs have been restored at the Everhungry Altar, the blood of the slain Quara will seal the hungry mouth of the Serpent! ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Will you do this? You will not go unrewarded.
Player: yes
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Begin with retrieving the orbs. The Orb of Light Undying was shattered at the Everhungry Altar, it must be made whole again somehow. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Then you will need to find the Orb of Darkness the Quara have stolen. I fear they brought it to the Unnameable Shrine to corrupt its power, but I cannot tell you where the Shrine is exactly - you must find out yourself. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: All I know is that you need something strange and paradoxical to enter it. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Then, you must make a new Orb of Life Everchanging. This means finding sacred life and hallow it at the Altar or Life, far in the south. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Finally, all three orbs must be set back into their sacred sphere at the Everhungry Altar that is southwest from here. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: If you have any questions about the {orbs} of {Darkness} Eternal, {Light} Undying or {Life} Everchanging, ask me.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea QuestAfter restoring all Orbs:

Player: mission
Guardian of the Deep Seas: By the Deep Seas, be thanked. You mended the Everhungry Altar the the vile Quara have defiled, and the magical chains that hold the Serpent in check have been strengthened. ...
Guardian of the Deep Seas: Here is your reward.

Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest
