
The Asuri are Demons which can be found in either their disguised human-like form or in their true forms. They reside in the Asura Palace and its Vault.

They are enemy of the Nagas.


Name Exp HP Max Damage Loot
Dawnfire Asura
Dawnfire Asura
4,100 2,900 949+ (252+ Physical Damage, 185+ Fire Damage, 312+ Death Damage, 200 Life Drain) + 252+ Mana Drain
Frost Flower Asura
Frost Flower Asura
4,200 3,500 ?
Midnight Asura
Midnight Asura
4,100 3,100 805? (387? Physical Damage, 418? Death Damage) + 312? Mana Drain
True Dawnfire Asura
True Dawnfire Asura
7,475 8,500 2280 (700 Physical Damage, 830 Fire Damage, 750 Death Damage) + 300 Mana Drain
True Frost Flower Asura
True Frost Flower Asura
7,069 4,000 ?
True Midnight Asura
True Midnight Asura
7,313 9,000 2040 (450 Physical Damage, 1350 Death Damage, 240 Life Drain) + 280 Mana Drain

Asuri Bosses

Name Exp HP Max Damage Loot
The Blazing Rose
The Blazing Rose
10,000 ? ?
The Diamond Blossom
The Diamond Blossom
10,000 20,000 ?
The Flaming Orchid
The Flaming Orchid
8,500 4,000 800~?
The Lily of Night
The Lily of Night
10,000 19,000 ?
The Moonlight Aster
The Moonlight Aster
9,250 4,500 0
The Winter Bloom
The Winter Bloom
9,250 4,750 0